Pelaburan Emas

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Harga Emas Semakin Naik

Kawan dapat satu maklumat daripada Bercerita mengenai inflasi. Ramalan inflasi semakin meningkat dan nilai wang fiat akan jatuh. Turut sama harga emas akan naik. huhu. Mcm mana nak tambah lagi emas ni.
Ni artikel yang dinyatakan di dalam sumber

FOCUS: Inflation Data Not Likely to Bring Joy to Gold Market Bulls

15 June 2010, 1:08 p.m.
By Debbie Carlson
Of Kitco News
Chicago -- (Kitco News) --Inflation data is in the spotlight this week and gold traders will be watching to see what effect, if any, the information will have on metals prices.
Given the historically-low interest rates in western economies and the stimulus money floating around, some market watchers are concerned about the possibility of inflation eroding the value of goods. Gold has traditionally been used as a hedge against rising inflation. Each month inflation data has been keenly watched to see if there are signs that prices are beginning to creep upward.
Right now, the expectation is that the bogeyman of rising prices is being kept at bay, and the first piece of data released Tuesday was true to form.
 U.S. import prices showed a drop Tuesday. The U.S. Labor Department said import prices fell 0.6% in May. This compares to a 1.1% gain in April, which was revised from the 0.9% rise originally reported. Versus a year ago, import prices gained 8.6%, down from April's 11.1% year-on-year increase.
The drop in import prices helped U.S. equity markets rise, overshadowing the downgrade of Greek government debt to junk status by Moody’s Investor Service. Gold prices were little changed Tuesday after the report, but later rose on some bargain hunting and on a continued safe haven trade, analysts said.
The key U.S. inflation reports – the producer price index and the consumer price index -are slated for release Wednesday and Thursday and are without a doubt a big focus for gold and other traders this week. Both reports are expected to be tame.
May’s producer price index, which measures wholesale inflation, is expected to show a drop in prices. Marketwatch says the consensus is for a 0.6% decline, after April’s 0.1% drop. The core is expected at 0.1%, versus 0.2% in April.
The consumer price index for May is expected to fall 0.2%, Marketwatch says. It fell 0.1% in April. The core, which excludes the volatile food and energy components, is forecast at 0.1% and was flat in April.
Market analysts said the headline figures for PPI and CPI should be down because of the steep drop in oil prices in May and that lowered gasoline and heating oil prices. Further, food prices have fallen a bit, also tempering the main figure. Yet because of this, the core figures might be slightly higher.
Standard Chartered said in a research note that there is little sign that inflation should change. “Industrial production and capacity utilization should show continued improvement but have a long way to go before inflationary pressures become a consideration,” the bank said.
The bank added that not only is inflation in the U.S. and western economies not an issue, so far it is remaining tame in Asia, where economic growth is picking up, although momentum is building. Still, they said, the turmoil in Europe may push back any central bank rate tightening until the end of 2010.
Jim Smitherman, a commodities broker at Coquest Inc., said the attitude in the markets concerning inflation is "steady as she goes."
He said inflation data is tame and should  remain so for the remainder of the year.  "I think the Fed will maintain its current policy for the foreseeable future. Commodity prices in general are lower over the last six months and barring a collapse in the dollar I would expect them to remain that way,"Smitherman said. "Those calling for inflation right around the corner have been doing so for 2 years now. How far away is this corner?  I think it is a long ways away.".

By Debbie Carlson, contributing to Kitco News;

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dinar Emas dan Kelemahan Wang Fiat - Tun Mahathir

Salam.. Ni kawan dapat dari ruangan bekas PM kita tun Mahathir.
Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Mahathir pada November 2008
sumber :-
1. Ramai juga yang bertanya berkenaan Dinar Emas termasuk juga BBC yang mengadakan wawancara dengan saya baru-baru ini. 2. Apa yang sudah jadi kenyataan yang tidak lagi dapat dinafi oleh negara-negara di dunia ialah sistem kewangan yang ada sekarang sudah gagal untuk diguna dalam ekonomi dan dagangan baik dalam negeri atau antarabangsa.
3. Keputusan Bretton-Woods selepas Perang Dunia Kedua ialah semua matawang negara di dunia ditentukan nilainya mengikut nilai tukaran dengan matawang Amerika Syarikat.
4. Tetapi di tentukan juga yang nilai Dolar Amerika ialah sebanyak 35 Dollar untuk satu ouns emas. Ini bermakna secara tidak langsung semua matawang dinilai mengikut sekian banyak emas. 5. Di masa itu semua matawang adalah kukuh. Tetapi Britain, pada tahun 1966 telah turunkan nilai Pound British. Malaysia telah rugi banyak kerana simpanan (reserve) kita adalah dalam matawang Pound. Pada satu masa Pound yang bernilai Ringgit Malaysia 8.30 telah turun kepada Ringgit Malaysia 3.60.
6. Kemudian Presiden Richard Nixon membuat keputusan bahawa Dollar Amerika tidak lagi terikat dengan emas. Amerika telah tolak apa yang dipanggil sebagai “Gold Standard”. Amerika juga memutuskan bahawa pasaran akan tentukan nilai Dolar Amerika.
7. Tetapi negara-negara lain masih percaya akan kekuatan ekonomi Amerika dan meneruskan ikatan nilai matawang mereka dengan Dollar.
8. Satu lagi keputusan dunia antarabangsa ialah nilai dagangan antarabangsa ditentukan dengan nilai Dollar Amerika dan bayaran juga dibuat dengan Dollar Amerika. Ini menyebabkan permintaan bagi Dollar Amerika menjadi kuat dan sekali gus menjamin nilai Dollar Amerika tidak jatuh walaupun tidak lagi diukur dengan sekian banyak emas.
9. Pada satu masa dahulu bank besar dibenarkan mencetak dan mengeluarkan “Bank Notes” sebagai wang yang sah dipergunakan. Kemudian pemerintah mengambil alih pengeluaran matawang.
10. Bank mengeluarkan pinjaman daripada modal dan deposit oleh pelanggan. Kadang-kadang jumlah pinjaman melebihi wang yang ada dalam bank. Tetapi ini dihadkan. Walaupun demikian pinjaman yang dikeluarkan kerap kali jauh lebih banyak dari had yang ditentukan.
11. Apabila pendeposit mengeluarkan simpanan mereka beramai-ramai maka bank tidak mampu untuk membayar balik kepada pendeposit kerana semua wang telah diberi pinjam bahkan lebih daripada itu. Dalam keadaan ini bank mesti di selamatkan (bail-out) oleh Kerajaan.
12. Melihat bahawa bank boleh mengeluarkan pinjaman hampir tanpa had (unlimited) maka penyangak pun merancang untuk guna duit bank yang tidak terhad ini untuk meraih keuntungan atas angin. Maka berlakulah dagangan matawang, pinjaman kepada peminjam yang keupayaan membayar tidak terjamin, penjualan pinjaman yang dikeluarkan oleh bank kepada syarikat insurans dan syarikat gadaian (mortgage company) dan lain-lain. Jumlah semua transaksi ini amat besar, bernilai berbilion dolar. Apabila ramai peminjam tidak dapat bayar hutang atau servis hutang, maka mereka yang membeli pinjaman bank dapati mereka akan rugi berbilion dolar.
13. Dan banyak lagilah penyalahgunaan sistem bank Barat yang dilakukan. Demikian Amerika dengan kekayaannya yang besar sekalipun tidak dapat menampung berbilion dolar kerugian oleh bank, syarikat, insuran, syarikat mortgage, hedge funds, merchant dan investment bank dan lain-lain.
14. Sesungguhnya sistem bank dan matawang Barat sudah gagal. Dunia harus kaji untuk menggantinya dengan sistem lain termasuk perbankan Islam dan dagangan dengan matawang khusus seperti Dinar Emas.
15. Tidak seperti duit kertas emas tetap mempunyai nilai dimana-mana dalam dunia. Dinar Emas dicadang hanya untuk menyelesaikan bayaran dagangan antarabangsa.
16. Apakah ada cukup emas dalam dunia untuk dijadikan wang antrabangsa? Sudah tentu tidak.
17. Tetapi kita tidak perlu bayar dengan dinar emas sepenuhnya. Memadai jika kita bayar cuma lebihan antara import-eksport antara dua buah negara.
18. Jika sebuah negara mengeksport 100 juta Dinar kepada sebuah negara lain dan negara itu pula mengeksport kepada negara pertama barangan atau khidmat yang bernilai 110 juta Dinar, maka bayaran yang harus dibuat oleh Bank Negara negara yang pertama hanyalah 10 juta Dinar emas. Jika tidak ada Dinar Emas yang mencukupi maka bayaran boleh dibuat kemudian dengan eksport bernilai 10 juta Dinar.
19. Kita bukan sahaja boleh ada dagangan antara dua buah negara tetapi antara beberapa buah negara. Sebenarnya bank-bank mengguna cara ini untuk menyelesaikan bayaran cheque kepada beberapa bank yang telah terima dan mengeluarkan bayaran berasas kepada cheque lain-lain bank.
20. Sudah tentu akan ada banyak masalah pada permulaan. Tetapi pakar-pakar boleh cari jalan untuk selesaikan atau atasi kelemahan sistem Dinar Emas ini.
21. Bank Negara Malaysia pernah runding dengan sebuah negara lain dan penggunaan Dinar Emas memang boleh dilaksanakan. Tetapi entah kenapa Bank Negara Malaysia tidak dapat menjayakan sistem ini.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Apa Kelebihan Emas

Hari ni kawan nak bercerita pasal kelebihan emas fizikal. Apa beza emas dengan pelaburan hartanah. Apa yang pasti kedua-dua pelaburan ni menjanjikan pulangan yang amat lumayan. hehe.
Sejak kawan berjinak -jinak dengan emas ni kawan rasakan pelaburan emas lebih mempunyai kecairan yang lebih berbanding dengan pelaburan hartanah. Mcm mana maksud kecairan yang kawan ceritakan. Baiklah kawan akan terangkan kecairan yang kawan maksudkan.

Pelaburan Emas vs Pelaburan Hartanah
1. Keuntungan yang dijanakan oleh pelaburan emas hampir sama dengan pelaburan hartanah. Dalam separuh keadaan ada juga pelaburan hartanah yang akan memberikan keuntungan yang lebih bergantung kepada permintaan dan lokasi.
2. Keuntungan dari hartanah boleh diperolehi dengan hasil sewaan. Dalam sesetengah kes ada ayng memberikan sewa yang tinggi berbanding dengan pembayaran bulanan bergantung kepada permintaan dan lokasi. Walaupun begitu kos senggaraan juga terpaksa diperuntukan bagi hartanah yang disewakan. Permasalahan yang akan timbul terjadi apabila hatanah tersebut tiada penyewa.hehe. Berbanding dengan pelaburan emas tiada kos senggaraan dan apabila berlaku kesempitan wang boleh dilakukan pinjaman ar-rahnu.huhu.

Nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal ar-rahnu ni kawan sertakan contoh yang diberikan oleh geng 916. Senang aje kalau dah tahukan.

pinjaman dari  Ar-rahnu..

Ar-rahnu berkongsepkan pajakkan dan gadaian secara islam….biasanya barang kemas, jongkong emas dan emas syiling…tetapi kedai pajak convensional yg lain ada jugak terima mobile fon dan laptop sebagai gadaian dan pajakkan…Ar-rahnu tiada interest cuma ada kos upah simpan sahaja..lebih kurang 0.50%,0.65%,0.7% sahaja…ini bukan interest…ok..berbanding dengan bank yang ada interest yg nilainya dari 3.99%-5%..bagi saya pinjam di Ar-rahnu lagi untung….tetapi pinjaman di Ar-rahnu kita kena ada sumber gadaian..yakni emas…jadi rugi ke kita pinjam di ar-rahnu? mari kita lihat contoh senario dibawah
seorang lelaki nama MAT…dia memerlukan RM10K untuk di gunakan dalam perniagaannya….lalu dia buat pinjaman kepada bank cthnya maybank ..setiap bulan kena bayar 5% selama 60 bulan jadi sebulan RM224….jika dicampurkan semula…total pembayaran adalah sebanyak RM13440.00 tambahan bayaran RM3440.00..selain dari itu kita hanya bayar kosong saja..berbanding dengan pajakan .katakan MAT buat pajakkan emas kepada Ar-Rahnu…emas yg Mat pajak adalah seberat 120g emas 999….dan dipajakkan kepada Ar-rahnu..kebetulan masa di pajak itu harga emas RM141/g..jadi nilai marhumnya adalah RM16920….ditanggan MAT akan dapat RM10998.00 upah simpan sebulan 118…ar-rahnu menetapkan tempoh penebusan selama 6 bulan jadi selama 6 bulan mat akan bayar RM1951.00…tetapi yang seronok mengenai Ar-rahnu dalam masa 6 bulan bila-bila boleh tebus…jika takleh tebus…emas itu akan dipajakkan semula dengan surat baru 6 bulan lagi…umpama refinace/overlapping mcm bank jugak….cuma..yang bestnya…tiada riba..alhamdulillah….jika MAT selesai menebus emas itu..emas menjadi miliknya semula..dan bila-bila boleh dipajakkan semula…ini adalah satu kelebihan..kerana dalam apa keadaan sekali pun Mat sentiasa ada duit….bak kata orang…ada emas garanti ada duit….tapi jika ada duit belum tentu ada emas..anda akan sentiasa berduit jika miliki emas……

Walaupun begitu target kawan akan pastikan kawan akan mulakan dengan pelaburan emas dahulu dan hartanah apabila kawan sudah bebas dari wang.hehe..sekian dari kawan hari ini.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Emas Sebagai Pelaburan


Kawan ada menulis mengenai emas sebagai pelaburan. Banyak yang tanya kawan ni ejen emas ke? huhu. Kawan bukanlah ejen emas. Kawan menulis ni bukan nak cari downline atau sekarang ni orang panggil network. Kawan menulis ni sebab kawan dah nnampak akan potensi emas ni setelah duit kawan tersangkut dalam unit amanah. hehe. takpa lah duit tu kawan anggap pelaburan jangka panjang. Kalau kawan keluarkan semua duit kawan dalam unit amanah dah tentulah sekarang ni kawan kerugian. Nilai duit/wang fiat ni semakin menyusut. huhu. 
Dalam sibuk kawan menyusun strategi pelaburan emas ni kawan ada jumpa pendapat James Mackintosh penulis dari majalah Financial Times. Ni apa yang diperkatakan mengenai emas.

"People in the UK who are looking to buy gold have been told that it holds a number of benefits in the current climate.

Writing for Investors Chronicle, Maike Currie stated that buying physical forms of the metal through purchasing bullion or setting up a collection has lucrative tax advantages.

"UK gold Britannia and sovereign coins are VAT-exempt and [Capital Gains Tax]-free due to their dual classification as investment gold and legal tender," she explained.

According to Ms Currie, this means individuals will pay no charges when buying, selling or holding the commodity.

This has been particularly popular with people who have already filled their annual individual savings account allowance in terms of tax-free stores of wealth, she went on to say.

James Mackintosh recently noted in an article for the Financial Times that gold is becoming a more popular investment as experts begin to lose faith in other markets, including paper currencies."
Source: /gold_has_a_number_of_benefits_for_investors/

Jadi apa tunggu lagi..Dapatkan la ilmu-ilmu pasal emas dan teknik - teknik manipulasi emas.  

Penerangan Mengenai Emas


Hari ni kawan nak tulis tentang kesilapan kita mengenai pelaburan emas. Hehe. Masalahnya benda ni pun baru kawan tahu mcm mana nak buat pelaburan emas. Kalau dah lama tau tentu kawan dah jadi kaya raya.

Tak ramai yang didedahkan mengenai pelaburan emas ni. Ye lah kalau ikut orang tua kawan kalau ada duit lebih pergi kedai emas. Beli barang kemas. Dah tau rupanya teknik ni salah sebenarnya.huhu. sebabnya harga emas yang dijual sekali dengan harga upah. Rugi tu..emas ni yang sebenarnya yang penting adalah beratnya. bukan bentuknya. Kalau yang jenis ada batu permata lagi la rugi. Contoh yg senang kawan nak bagi katakan cincin ada permata berharga RM 2800. (harga itu dah termasuk permata + kos upah). Tanpa ambil kira berapa berat dan emas jenis apa.huhu.dah la kalau nak tolak balik kat kedai emas kena caj 25%-30%. Tak kaya-kaya la jawabnya.

Jenis emas ni mcm mana nak tau? yang paling senang nak ingat hehe emas 999 dan emas 916. Ni yg kawan rasa sesuai nak buat pelaburan. Emas 999 ni asalnya dari 99.9% emas dan 0.01 dari bahan lain. Kalau yang 916 ni asalnya dari 91.6% emas dan 8.4% dari bahan lain.Mcm tu la seterusnya kalau jenis yang lain-lain. Kawan ni dah ceburi bidang ni baru la faham. Selama ni isteri kawan cerita pun kawan tak faham.

Emas 999 ni biasanya dalam bentuk jongkong atau sekarang ni dipanggil bar gold. Nak tgk cuba la lihat-lihat kat blog kawan gambarnya tu. Emas 916 ni nak buat pelaburan dalam bentuk dinar atau barang kemas. Seronok tau bila kawan kaji lebih mengenai emas ni dan cara nak manipulasi  nak dapatkan keuntungan baru lah kawan berjinak dengan pelaburan emas ni. Nasihat kawan jangan terburu - buru nak buat pelaburan buat kajian dan selidik dulu. Itu je kawan nak cerita hari ni.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Perancangan Mengenai Emas


Membuat pelaburan emas hendaklah mengikut perancangan dan mendapatkan sumber2 maklumat yang sah apa yang akan terjadi mengenai emas. Huhu..emas ini pelaburan bukannya Skim Cepat Kaya.

Tiada istilah 4D/6D..apa itu 4D? Duduk-Duduk Dapat Duit.. Walaupun emas ini akan mendapatkan kenaikan secara pasif (income) manalah boleh nak duduk diam. Perancangan dan sumber naik turun harga emas kena pantau. Saya amalkan konsep pertambahan emas. Nak tunggu harga murah gila sukar nak dapat/ Iye lah masa itu emas. Mcm tu juga konsep pelaburan emas ini tak boleh lambat dari 20 minit. huhu..

Kalau 6D itu apa pula? Yang ni lagi teruk dari 4D. Kalau menang memang dapat lagi besar wang ganjaran dari 4D. Duduk Diam,Doa-Doa Dapat Duit.

Dah cerita pasal 4D dan 6D ni kat mana nak kajian dan sumber?

Boleh cari kat sini juga Kat bawah2 tu ada link cerita pasal harga emas semasa. Hehe dalam bahasa Inggeris. Blh juga perbaiki pengetahuan bahasa. Selain itu juga dapat memberikan informasi. Kat sini maklumat sentiasa update.

Kat sini saya sertakan artikel yang memberikan maklumat mengenai halatuju emas pada hari ini.

Believing in Gold- GoldSeek

Posted Tuesday, 8 June 2010

By Frank Holmes

U.S. Global Investors

Gold touched an intraday high of $1,254 in U.S. dollar terms today but its appreciation in Europe's major currencies has been the story for the past few weeks.

A few weeks ago (April 13) we showed you a similar chart detailing gold's appreciation in major currencies but since then the deteriorating situation in Europe has sent gold soaring in terms of the euro and the British pound.

Since mid-April, gold has jumped 76.3 percent in euro terms and 60 percent in terms of the pound. This far outpaces gold's advances in terms of the U.S dollar (29.21 percent) and Japanese yen (18.96 percent). For the year, gold is up more than 111 percent in euro terms and 102 percent in pounds.

This illustrates the effect of currency debasement on gold prices. Greece and Spain's debt issues and the subsequent "fixes" by the European Union have raised questions about the long-term stability of the euro and sent investors looking for a hedge against monetary instability.

Not surprisingly, holdings in gold bullion-backed ETFs have hit a record and the SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) now holds more gold than all but five of the world's central banks.

It seems the masses are beginning to lose faith that policymakers will be able to correct the debt issues without debasing their currencies; as a result a new class of investors are turning to gold.

The following securities mentioned in the article were held by one or more of U.S. Global Investors family of funds as of 3/31/10: SPDR Gold Trust


Gold Investing - "Times Are Changing"

Do you remember your history lessons in school? Were you paying attention? You may recall lessons that discussed the weight of gold or the history of gold in the world. Gold has been used for purchasing, bartering and collecting throughout history. Gold has even been a hedge against inflation and helps to preserve and protect future earnings of Americans.

Today, we can purchase, trade or make a gold investment in a variety of ways. Gold comes generally in two forms, also called bullion, these forms are coins or bars made of gold. With trading, most investors trade in gold futures on the market. Gold Investments are often made in refining or mining companies.

If you take a look at history, you will begin to notice that gold was very helpful all through the changing times. It provided a safe avenue during times when the world's economy was unstable. For major gold investors, gold can improve a portfolio and decrease the amount of risk.

There is a variety of avenues when it comes to gold investing. The options for invest are; gold coins, bars, statement accounts, accumulative plans, mine shares and mutual funds.

Possibly the most popular avenue of gold investment is in coins and bars. There are different sizes and weights available to invest in. Some of the weights include 1 gram, 1 kilobar and the international bar. But that's not all.

An investment in gold bars is one way to produce cost efficient methods of investing in gold. This is because broker commissions are minimal for selling and purchasing gold bars. Gold coins are as popular among small and medium investors. The reason for this is that in the issuing country, gold coins are considered legal tender and guaranteed for their face value even through economic changes.
Some of the leading gold coins include:

*The American eagle- It is available in weights of 1/10, ?, ? and 1 troy ounce
*Canadian Maple Leaf- It is available in weights of 1/10, ?, ? and 1 troy ounce
*South African Kruggerand- It is available in weights of 1/10, ?, ?, and 1 troy ounce
*English Britannia- It is available in weights of 1/10, ?, ? and 1 troy ounce
*Australian Kangaroo- It is available in weights of 1/20, 1/10, ?, ? and 1 troy ounce
*Chinese Panda- It is available in weights of 1/20, 1/10, ?, ? and 1 troy ounce
*Austrian Philharmonic- It is available in weights of 1/10, ? and 1 troy ounce
*Mexican Centenario Family- It is available in the following; 2, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 50 pesos.
*Mexican Onza- It is available in weights of, ?, ? and 1 troy ounce

As you see above, gold coins are a popular form of gold investing and good planning for the future. Gold will be a good investment through changing times because it will keep its value.


Gold Investing has been the best form of investment throughout history. Today, gold can be purchased in two types of bullion. You can also invest in "gold statement accounts", "accumulation plans", "mining shares", "options" and "mutual funds".
Gold investing assures that your future is secure.

Source: Free Articles

Monday, June 7, 2010

Nasihat Dari Pokli

Selama berjinak dengan dunia emas ini blog pokli dan jutawanemas banyak memberikan saya panduan.hehe. Ini nasihat dari pokli yang saya rasakan berguna untuk yang baru nak berjinak dengan emas.hehe.. macam saya


Apa khabar? sihat? seronok tengok harga emas turun naik.....hehehehhee....sapa yang main emas dia tahu la bagaimana rasanya seronok dan happy apabila emas yang kita beli naik harga.........emas tu tak naik harga tapi NILAI untuk mendapatkan emas tu tinggi...ini adalah disebabkan Sistem Mata Wang yang semakin gagal.......tahun lepas utk mendapatkan 1 gram emas kena bayar RM105.....tapi kenapa harini untuk mendapatkan 1 gram kena bayar lebih? tu la INFLASI......dulu nak beli nasi lemak RM1 bleh dapat....sekarang nasi lepas RM1??? macam tak logik.....paling murah pun boleh dapat RM2........yang RM1 tu dapat yang basic je....ikan bilis 2-3 ekor + nasi sedikit....hehehehhe......

Ok......pasal tajuk di atas.......Masalah Kebocoran Wang!....anda mengalami tak masalah Kebocoran yang anda dapat banyak tapi abis.........mengalir laju macam air....ada RM50 sekali pergi pasar pun tak sempat beli apa pun dah abis....apsal sekejap sangat??? pokli kalau pergi pasar......RM100-RM150 tu perkara biasa......baru dapat ayam ......ikan......daging.....dan sayur......tu tak masuk beli Ketam....Udang....sure lagi banyak la kos dia....uhuhuhuuhuh

Untuk mengelakkan kebocoran wang ini langkah - langkah adalah

simpan dalam pelaburan yang susah nak cairkan....contoh hartanah.....emas........contohnya anda dapat Bonus dari syarikat....duit terpijak....komisen.....duit wang ehsan....dan lain lain sumber wang anda......Force Saving dalam Emas.....beli emas public Gold dan simpan......lepas 3-4 tahun baru jual...kalau tak nak jual pun pajak......nasihat Pokli....Emas ni jangan Jual......SIMPAN...kalau nak pakai Duit.....pergi la gadai.....kalau kita jual harta kita.....dapat cash....duit tu akan BOCOR.....akan mengalir menjadi Sport Rim Baru.....Handphone baru......Kereta Baru.....Tv LCD 42" Full HD baru.....kekekkeekke macam2 la boleh buat dengan duit ni....pergi je Seng Heng.....nak perabis RM10......dalam masa 1/2 jam abis......
cuba anda beli emas........Percintaan dengan Emas tu sendiri menyebabkan kita sayang nak jual........lagi-lagi kalau tanya isteri.....Ok tak abang jual emas nih......tobat para isteri tak bagi punya....."abang......jangan la jual emas nih.....sayanggggg laaaa" dulu abang beli hasil titik peluh berniaga pasar malam dan dalam sekelip mata kalau jual abis la MODAL kita tu.....simpan la atau pergi Gadai di Agro Bank......

Masalah Sistem Kewangan berasaskan Wang kertas akan musnah....percayalah cakap pokli ni.......Sistem Kapitalis akan Jatuh dan musnah........ramai orang-orang Israel & Yahudi mengumpul emas ni kerana bagi mereka Emas la wang yang tidak akan gagal............US print 1.3 Trillion sekejap je lepas Obama menjadi Presiden Amerika....wal hal kerajaan China nak Kumpul USD 1.3 Trillion ambil masa 15 tahun selepas kejatuhan Komunis di China......ekonomi mereka nak berkembang mengambil masa berbelas tahun tapi US dalam masa 1 hari boleh hasil kan bertrillion dengan hanya Print duit tu....

So.....kalau anda nak tahu lebih lanjut bacalah buku-buku tentang Ekonomi dan Emas.......banyak lagi ilmu yang perlu di isi di dada.......banyak ilmu.....makin BIJAK emas......hehehehe

okla....Ingat Emas Ingat Pokli

Harga Emas Semakin Naik

Pemerhatian yang dilakukan harga emas sejak 2-3 hari terkebelakangan penurunan adalah terlalu ketara. Kalau ada limpahan duit dah tentu rembat / rempit.hehe

Dalam sibuk berkira nak rempit emas lg pagi tadi dikejutkan dengan harga emas yang naik terlalu mendadak. Betul la kata orang masa itu emas. Harga diantara 20g RM 2896.00. Rasanya jangkaan bagi penutup minggu ini harga akan ditutup didalam julat RM 2870.00 - RM2876.00. Mungkin juga akan menjadi RAKSASA.

walau macam mana pun kalau nak tunggu esok /lusa dan seterusnya harga akan sentiasa mahal. Apa yang penting kena buat plan nak rempit emas lagi.

Gold Coins - An Investment in Your Financial Liberty

When you have a child, or even before you do, start collecting gold coins. When your child grows up, cash them in to send your high school graduate to the University of their choice. Your child can do the same for your grandchild. Collecting gold coins can make something special for your family. It can make your family special. Even rich and famous. Can it be done? Has it been done? Well, do you recognize any of these family names?

If you have heard of the Adams family, or the Brand family, or the Dupont family, or the Royal Farouk family, or the Garrett family, or the Green family, or the Hopkins family, or the Hunt family, or the JP Morgan family, or the Onassis family, or the Rothchild family then there is a good reason why. They built their fortunes from collecting gold coins.

Take for instance Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He worked in a coin shop, which made the way for the Rothschild's destiny as the richest family in the world. Because it is there that he learned the value of collecting gold coins. That is how he made his fortune. That is how he was able to open a bunch of banks.

People were getting so outrageously rich from gold coins that the government just had to step in and take them away. And the gold bullion and gold certificates too! If you owned them you were an outlaw. If you didn't turn them in you had to go to jail for ten years and pay twice the value of your gold plus ten thousand dollars on top of that. Thanks to the gold confiscation of April 5th 1933 by the Executive Order 6102 of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the government had to build Fort Knox to hold its enormous collection of gold!

The people of our land of opportunity have been denied this most lucrative investment for forty-one years until... the last day of December 1974. That is when President Gerald R. Ford signed the bill authorizing private ownership of gold. Happy days are here again! Gold is legal again!

In 1795 the United States minted its very first gold coin. The five-dollar Gold Half Eagle featuring Lady Liberty. Before President George Washington got our government its first mint, we used gold doubloons. A favorite of pirates, who were a liberty loving lot indeed!

We all like money. We all like gold. Gold coins bring them both together in one pretty package. Buy gold coins, whether for hobby or investment. They give the best return due to their limited quantity, timeless beauty, gold content, and high demand.

Source: Free Articles

Another Way of Looking At the Gold Price Meltdown

Until recently gold prices have been on a tear. After decades of going nowhere, gold has had a year of steadily rising prices, that is until two weeks ago. It appears the hedge fund investors who bid the price up, have decided to take their profits. Gold prices plunged and many financial analysts have proclaimed that the bull market in gold is over. Is it?

Price charts are one way to look at the situation, however we need to dig deeper into the fundamentals to see what the prospects are.

As the hedge fund investors have dumped gold, there is evidence new hands are coming into the market. As some investors leave, and new ones replace them, the volatility in gold prices will remain high. What we need to ask is are these new investors speculators or is there some fundamental reason new investors are coming into the market?

Lets start by looking at the retail investors. One important component of the price of gold is the retail investors in India, China and West Asia. Traditionally these investors have bought gold in the form of jewelry. Jewelry demand in these countries does have an impact on gold prices. The significant point here is investors in these countries are now accumulating gold in forms other then jewelry. In 2005 the investment demand for gold in these countries has risen from between 20% and 34%. The strong demand continues into the first quarter of 2006. During this same period of time, demand for gold related Exchange Traded Funds has risen 23%.

India is the largest buyer of gold in the world. Indian investors will soon be able to buy gold ETFs on Indian Exchanges. There is also a strong demand for investing in gold coins in India.

China has not had a strong interest in investing in gold for anything but jewelry. That may be about to change. The government is easing regulations that may encourage more investment in gold products.

Interest in gold investments is also increasing in Thailand. Demand for gold investments in that country has been hovering around 10%-15% until 2005. In the past year investment demand in Thailand has risen to 35% for gold.

The supply of gold remains tight. The demand across Asia is increasing. It is likely we will see supplies tighten even more which will again begin to drive up prices. The next wave up will look different. After having seen prices plunge, investors are likely to take profits much quicker this time around. Prices will begin to go up again, however there will be significant pullbacks as investors take profits.

Gold investments will also continue to be fueled by Energy price increases, increased inflation in the US and world tensions. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said that growth in the inflation rate could be worse than expected. After that remarkstocks in US markets dropped. This could bring investors back into gold.

Several financial experts in India are looking for gold to go to $770- $800 by the end of 2006 or beginning of 2007. Currently the price is around $635 an ounce. It is not clear if we are at the bottom prices yet. Prices will rise, but this ride will not be for those with weak stomachs.

Source: Free Articles

Gold Investments: A Few Helpful Tips

Throughout history, gold has been a highly valued substance. It's unique properties and relative scarcity caused almost every world culture to use it as a form of money, as well as a way to "store" value. Although it has lost much of its importance as a form of currency, gold investments still provide a great way to protect your money and diversify a portfolio.

Over the past few years, gold prices have been steadily rising. There is a very good chance this trend will continue over the long-term, making it a good idea to put some money into gold investments now. Also, buying gold is a great way to hedge against other investments. Due to uncertainty in the stock market and the value of the US dollar, it's a good idea to put 10-20% of your money into a hedge fund in order to protect yourself. Gold and silver have always been considered to be among the best forms of hedge investments because they have relatively stable values (due to very small changes in supply).

How to Invest in Gold

Before you buy gold, it's a good idea to get the help of an investment consultant. This is especially true if you've never invested in gold before. He or she can help you determine the best moves to make based on your own personal financial goals and risk tolerance. If you already have a personal financial adviser, tell him or her that you'd like to use gold to hedge your portfolio. If he or she doesn't have much experience dealing in gold investments you may want to find someone who does.

If you're interested in profiting from the price movements of gold, buying gold bullion coins are an excellent option. The best choices are the American Eagle, the Canadian Maple Leaf, the Britannia, and the Australian Nugget coins. You can buy gold bullion coins from precious metal and coin dealers, both offline and online.

Before making a gold bullion purchase, always shop around for the best prices, as the markup on coins will vary from dealer to dealer. Also, do everything possible to make sure the dealer you're buying from has been in business for awhile and has a good reputation. If possible preserve your gold coins in the original mint packaging and protect them from scratches to maximize resale value.

Gold bars are another gold investment option you may want to look into. Smaller bars are usually more expensive (per ounce) than large bars but are often easier to sell. In general, bars carry a higher price premium than coins. As with gold bullion coins, only buy and trade with reputable dealers.

Source: Free Articles

Gold Investing - Retire Without Fear

This is the time! The day you have been longing for, but perhaps not so sure about. The desk may be cleared and everyone is admiring the presentation gold watch in its smart box. You may even have your retirement lump sum-could be the largest sum of money you have seen in your life. It is a good feeling but can also be an intimidating one. Now more than any time you need good investment advice. Even in being careful, you face financial risks at retirement time.

The Main Risks Are
* Longevity: the risk of outliving your assets is very real.
* Inflation: the inexorable price-rise in goods and services will eat away at the purchasing power of your hard-earned savings.
* Asset allocation: if you haven't chosen the right mix of investments, your portfolio could fail to grow.
* Health care expense: you need a reliable source of income to cover rising health-care costs.
* Withdrawal rate: if you withdraw too much too soon, you are in trouble.

To be Secure In Your Retirement Investing:

* Diversify
* Safety First
* Build Continued Growth.

With this in mind have you considered gold investing?

Whether your investment approach is conservative or aggressive, gold investing can play a vital role in the diversification of your portfolio. Most experts recommend a gold holding of 5%-10%.

As we painfully learned from the NASDAQ bust, any stock, no matter how seductive it may seem, always has the potential to plunge to zero. This will never happen with gold. Life is full of unpredictables-hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks. Gold investing is the perfect way to protect the foundations of your portfolio from an unpredictable future.

Recently, a long-term subscriber to an investment newsletter wrote: "I have been following your gold suggestions since December of 2001 and have made a barrel of money. The ten gold stocks you recommend now, if held since then, are up about 500% on average. Not too shabby while gold bullion is up about 70%, a 7-1 ratio."

Currently, world gold demand exceeds global gold supply by 60%-100% annually; as the mines cannot extract gold fast enough to meet this demand. A shortage leads to higher prices. Nobody can guarantee that anything will last forever, but in the short term the gold price will rise.

So what shape could your gold investments be in?

Just as you can diversify your overall portfolio, you can also diversify the gold part of it. Gold investing takes three main forms:

1. Owning physical gold-the safest, "insurance" part of it. And the most exciting part? When you hold gold in your hands for the first time, you understand why it has generated such a passion through time!

2. Gold stock-investment in quality gold mines. This is for the "growth" part of your portfolio.

3. Gold derivatives-only for those who are not averse to risks!

Some people may give you a strange look if you are talking of gold investing! There are great ideas floating around:

* Gold provides no return. But it doesn't need to-it keeps going up in value!

* Central banks will sell their gold. They have in the past and have recently realized it is not a wise policy.

* The government could confiscate gold. It is true that this happened in 1933. But things have changed so much since that time; the chances of this now are virtually nil.

If others are uneasy about gold investing, all the more reason for you to do it and do it well! So that you can enjoy your golden years!


The main factors of gold investment are... To be mindful of your retirement with diversification, safety and growth. With these in mind, you will do wonderfully well to consider gold.

Source: Free Articles

POKLI = PORTFOLIO + PASSIVE - Pelaburan emas di Malaysia: beli emas, etika emas, kijang emas, dinar emas.